birthday, preschool, speech therapy, Thanksgiving, Christmas, family
events, Danica's 4th birthday and Brinley's 2nd birthday- I've been
kinda busy! But tonight I feel like talking :)
Brinley is 2. It's been 8 months and 14 days since she's been
"activated". I have many mixed emotions about the process. I mean, I
wouldn't change a thing. Demanding authorization from insurance
company, REFUSING appointments months out and just throwing myself
into the world of deafness. It's been hard on Rod and I. Mentally and
physically exhausting. But at the same time it's been impowering. I
think how hard it is on me and then I feel super guilty. It's not hard
on me----- it's hard on Brinley. She's the one that has to wear her
equipment daily, deal with all the tweaks and issues that come along
with it. The stares, the questions, pre-ops, genetic apts. It
couldn't feel good to wear heavy sound processors over her tiny ears
every waking hour. Or the long hours of rehab and all the extra work
it takes just to "listen". But she's doing it and doing it with grace.
It will almost be 9 months since our daughter has been hearing. She
follows commands for example:
Go get your shoes on
Time to brush your teeth
Its time to take a nap
Jump up at the table
Lets go wash our hands
Give Sissy a kiss
Buckle up
Daddys home
Time for bed
Wheres your baby?
Do you want to go to the park?
Time to go outside
Go get your jacket etc.....
In the last month she's spoken the words
Ma Ma Ma
Da Da
Esssse for please
Esssse for cheese when talking a picture :)
Dog for dog
Mmmmmm when eating something good
OT for hot
Shhhh when putting baby to sleep
Uh Oh
Ni Ni for night- night
It's not exactly where I thought we would be at 9 months post
activation but I need to compare her to a 9 month old hearing baby.
They don't say much but babble at this age so when looking at the big
picture....we're on the right track.
<3 Reiswigs
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Im so proud of her for her proud if u an rod for the tough but great u