New Year, New Outlook

We are just getting started on Brinley's journey...
Dec 2009 we got the diagnosis of profound bilateral hearing loss. English Terms: Brinley is deaf.

I'll be documenting Brinley's progress every step of the way. This will be my outlet in getting my thoughts on paper (well, computer) and maybe you will get something out of this too. You will learn what it means to be deaf, possibly be inspired to pick up a few sign language books or next time you see a child with hearing aids or Cochlear Implants you will know what it took for that child to get where he/she is today.

Modern technology is amazing!

Brinley Shay Reiswig



If we only knew then what we know now...



Mommy's Angel

Mommy's Angel

Upcoming Appointments

Jan 7th, Modesto

2:30pm Meeting with MCS/ SCOE Early Start Eval.

Jan 15th, Oakland
9:00am Speech Therapist Apt
10:00am Family Psycologist Apt
2:30pm First Audiologist Apt with Sara
3:30pm Meeting Dr. Murray, Implant Surgeon

Jan 29th, Oakland - Sedated CT Scan

Stanford here we come!

Feb 9th Meet Surgeon Dr. Blevins, get surgery date

Monday March 29th, 5 hr Surgery at Stanford

Activation 4/20 and 4/21

Follow up 5/17 and 5/18

Monday, December 28, 2009

First "real" appointment

After months and months of frustration with Kaiser, incorrect diagnosis's we finally found our angels. OCH (Oakland Childrens Hospital) has been beyong amazing. All the nurses and staff are so helpful. Some even calling me from home on their off hours to see how Brinley's last appointment went.

Brin's diagnosis still came as a shock. We thought she might have some hearing loss but I will say I wasn't prepared to hear she's deaf. After I sobbed and picked myself up off the floor I decided I can't feel sorry for myself, or Brin. I needed to be strong and be her biggest advocate and supporter. From that moment on I haven't looked back. Hounding doctors office's, fighting with the insurance companies...I do it all!

***Next apt is Jan 15th with the Psychologist

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck to you and your daughter, Brin. She is so beautiful! My daughter, Elle is having her CI surgery this Friday the 8th at Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary in Boston. I am originally from Irvine, CA and it is great to hear that Oakland Childrens Hospital has been so fantastic. We will most likely be relocating to California one day soon. You seem like you are so positive and on the right track for giving Brin the best care and support. That is awesome! If you ever want to chat, you can email me at

    Take care and your blog is awesome!
